How to donate books, time or money to support Morgan County Public Library.
Do you have books you would like to donate? Below are a list of guidelines before you donate your books.
We do not accept books that are old, torn, damaged or that smell.
Books must be newer and in good condition.
Books will be considered for cataloguing in our collection, but most books will be sent to our porch sale.
We do not accept health or technology books that are older than five years.
We do not accept magazines, periodicals, or newspapers.
We do not accept encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, or travel books.
We do not accept religious study guides or family Bibles.
We do not accept homeschool materials.
We do accept textbooks or other instructional materials for testing.
Please do not leave books outside the library. Call during open hours and arrange to drop off your donations by speaking to Amy or Sarah. We do have a dolly that can help you transfer books into our building.
We do not accept VHS, Cassette Tapes or Music CDs. DVDs for movies made within the last five years will be taken.
All donation of books are tax exempt and we can provide a receipt upon request.
We have a number of opportunities for you to volunteer at the library.
Regular weekly volunteers come in at an assigned time to cover a specific section of the library.
One time volunteers come in to work on special projects for the library.
Friends of the Library Porch Sale volunteers work by organizing, cleaning and prepping books for sale on the porch.
Special skill volunteers can share a particular skill by participating in activities prearranged with the director.
Youth volunteers are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult unless otherwise arranged with the director.
To volunteer, please speak with the director, Sarah to arrange for paperwork and scheduling.
Monetary Donations
Morgan County Library is a 501 3(c) tax deductible nonprofit. All donations received can be reported as nontaxable. The library uses monetary donations from our patrons to enhance our collections and to help fund special activities. There are multiple ways to donate to the library.
Write a check made out to MCPL and write donations in the memo line